The Benefits of Green Walls

Green walls are vertical gardens that incorporate flowers and plants into the interior of buildings. They create a natural environment and increase indoor air quality. Adding greenery to a space has been shown to improve mental health and productivity. These walls are a great way for building owners to show their green credentials.

Green walls are becoming more popular worldwide. In fact, there are many studies that show the benefits of using these plant displays. There are several types of green walls, but the most common is the extensive. Extensive walls have the most economical and ecological benefits. The structures are generally designed for long-term longevity and do not need to be replaced as quickly as intensive walls.

Choosing the correct type of plants is important to ensure that your green wall is functional and attractive. You can also choose a variety of plants that will adapt to the climate. For instance, if you live in a cold climate, you may want to use Dracaena, which is known to reduce formaldehyde. Similarly, if you live in an urban area, you can choose a mix of plants that can cope with the heat.

Some of the benefits of a green wall are improved indoor air quality, increased productivity, lower blood pressure, and decreased absenteeism. Additionally, plants have been shown to reduce stress levels, reducing the risk of illness.

Green walls have been proven to reduce noise levels, improving concentration and mood. This is because plants can absorb acoustic energy. Also, people tend to be friendlier to strangers if they are located near plants. Studies have also shown that people who work near plants take fewer sick days.

If you are thinking of installing a green wall in your building, you will need to consider how you will keep the plants watered. An irrigation system can make maintaining your wall more convenient. It is recommended to have an automatic irrigation system installed. Using an irrigation system is not only easier, but it will help reduce the amount of weekly maintenance you need to do.

When selecting plants, you need to consider if the plants will survive the winter months. Most plants will grow even in harsh conditions. However, if you live in an area with very hot summers, you will want to choose plants that are more tolerant of high temperatures.

Other considerations you will need to make are the design of the structure. There are various options, including wire mesh, simple ropes, and ornamental trellises. Another option is to add a layer of insulation between the wall and the exterior of the building.

Lastly, you will need to select the materials for the panels. These can be made from lightweight porous material. Typically, these materials weigh less than four pounds per square foot. Often, the materials are a combination of pumice and fiber. As a result, the panel system is very light and compact. Intensive green walls will require a panel installation system to hold the plants in place.

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About the Author: Admin Rei